Why your business needs thermal Condition based monitoring

Product quality is high on the priority list of any reputable manufacturer. Whether your business manufacturers finished articles or components for other business to incorporate into their products, the risks are the same: if your production equipment fails, your business quickly transitions from a profitable organisation to a loss-making company. Many businesses used to keep […]

Apa Itu Bio Solar

PGN LNG Indonesia Oktober 10, 2023 Biosolar, atau sering disebut biodiesel, merupakan salah satu bentuk bahan bakar alternatif yang bisa mengurangi dampak negatif dari penggunaan bahan bakar fosil. Biodiesel terbuat dari sumber nabati atau biomassa, seperti minyak kelapa sawit. Bahan bakar ini cenderung ramah lingkungan karena mengurangi emisi karbon dioksida (CO2) dan partikulat. Namun, seperti […]

ISO Viscosity Grades

ISO Viscosity Grades Noria Corporation Through the years, lubricant users have been treated to a number of ways to designate viscosity grades of the lubricants used in manufacturing. There are SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) grades for gear oils and crankcases (engines), AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Association) grades for gear oils, SUS (Saybolt Universal Seconds), […]

Condition Monitoring Technical Workshop 2024

CONDITION MONITORING TECHNICAL WORKSHOPPT. PUTRANATA ADI MANDIRITHURSDAY, 27 JUNI 2024 Vibration Analysis with AI (Offline, Wireless, Online + Nest i4.0 & Nest Vision Apps)Balancing Dynamic (Acoem , Falcon, Bearing Defender)New Laser Alignment (Acoem AT Series, Apps, console)Thermography (Flir Systems)Oil Analysis (Spectro Scientific) LIMITED SEAT 20 PERSONS(maksimal 2 orang/perusahaan)Dikenakan biaya jaminan kehadiran Rp. 100.000/orang, namun akan […]

4 Oil Analysis Tests to Run on Every Sample

4 Oil Analysis Tests to Run on Every Sample Ashley Mayer Two of the most common questions asked of analysts are: “What tests should I run?” and “How do I interpret the results?” The first question is easier to answer than the second.  Sample Classification Incoming samples may be classified in a variety of general […]

Jadwal Training 2024

PT. PUTRANATA ADI MANDIRI Grand Slipi Tower Lt.43 Jl. Letjend.S.Parman Kav.22-24 Jakarta  Barat 11480 Telp.: +62 21 2902 2588 Email.: sales@putranata.com              pampruf@cbn.net.id Jadwal Training 2024 Analisa Vibrasi Level 1 23 – 25 Januari 2024 05 – 07 Maret 2024 28 – 30 Mei 2024 23 – 25 Juli 2024 24 – 26 September 2024 […]

Sparrow – Wireless diagnostic solution for balance of plant

Sparrow – Wireless diagnostic solution for balance of plant   We are excited to introduce Sparrow, the smallest & most powerful advanced wireless diagnostic solution for balance-of-plant asset monitoring.  Its diagnostic capabilities and complete connectivity with Acoem’s proprietary Nesti4.0 software platform make it a game changer. Connect seamlessly and easily your balance-of-plant assets without having to […]

One day seminar and Training Optical Imaging Camera 14 July 2023

Grand Slipi Tower Lantai 43Jl. Let. Jen. S. Parman Kav 22-24Jakarta 11480 – IndonesiaTelp. : 0811105870Fax : +62-21-2925 2153Email: sales@putranata.com TELEFAX MESSAGE TO : Maintenance Manager SUBJ. : One day free training & workshop Optical Imaging Camera Dear sir/madam,We hereby invite of you /your Management to our free training & workshop with the following subject […]

Jadwal Training 2023

PT. PUTRANATA ADI MANDIRI Grand Slipi Tower Lt.43 Jl. Letjend.S.Parman Kav.22-24 Jakarta  Barat 11480 Telp.: +62 21 2902 2588 Email.: sales@putranata.com              pampruf@cbn.net.id Jadwal Training 2023 Analisa Vibrasi Level 1 24 – 26 Januari 2023 14 – 16 Maret 2023 23 – 25 Mei 2023 25 – 27 Juli 2023 19 – 21 September 2023 […]

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